60年代的Paris胡作妃为没有见面的Bonjour在等待期间 他是Babylon Revisited里等待虚无的女郎 美国 是触碰不到的和他在日耳曼大道畅聊的朋友那里得到的西方精神他无法理解.那时的他也许就是我 无法成为创作的代表、稳定生活的拥护者、活到了晚年的不知名文人在一同讨论先验性、每日出入于Shakespeare Company并在左岸Cafe De Flore里记着零散的碎片望着不变的午后走廊(这种最可能)他见到了那些意识形态不为所动无论是文化还是战争的产物这些只是小风景但是无论是Henry Miller 的受难还是那些书店cafe墙壁上照片里的笑脸和苦涩共同构成了巴黎以及永不磨灭的痕迹 追忆似水年华 顺着Eric那首巧合悠长的Gymnopédies我又想起自己在巴黎急步所错失的时光
I found myself hardly moved by films dealt with the past which was hardly happening on the screen. Therefore the grief has become overweighted; characters as walking dead. I was detached from the reality alongwith the emotions; consciously wondering the auteur’s consciousness. It deprived the power of its pure cinematic form for lacking of a story.